Bachelor degree in procurement and logistics management
2018 - 2022 National institute of transportation -
Advanced level secondary school
2015 - 2017 Kibiti high school -
Ordinary level secondary school
2014 - 2014 Umoja secondary school
Work Experience
15-07-2019 - 22-09-2019
Procurement Officer during Field Training at SINGIDA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL- under Procurement Management Unit as procurement officer assistant for two months.
08-09-2020 - 20-11-2020
assistant procurement officer and warehouse supervisor.
Roles and responsibilities
Dealing with receiving of material as well as inspection in accordance to
specification requested
Stock taking on the warehouse and recording of materials
Posting of customers request and orders in the organizations system
Maintaining purchase records and other important data
Reviewing all vendors and suppliers contracts as well as creating and
maintaining relationship with vendors/suppliers. Reviewing procurement documents and prepare orders. Tracking inventory level and manage purchasing activities
16-12-2022 - 25-08-2023
working as a WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR at Sapphire Float glass Company Ltd at Mkuranga district,
Duties and responsibilities
o Recording of receipts and issuing of materials, thus recording on material
bin cards and stores ledger. o To ensure proper arrangements and storage of materials. o To ensure stock level and maintaining proper records of stores
o Ensuring non authorized personel are entering the store and so
maintaining cleaness of the store
o Conducting stock taking and so to enable good stock level
o receiving, inspecting and arranging of materials in accordance to the
parking list of the incoming materials to their respective locations